Dear readers,
I have a confession to make...I have considered dating again. I know I was going to take the summer to just focus on me but who says I can't have a little fun as well. Although the brief time off did give me insight into the thrill of the chase. See every girl secretly wants to be the one that the guy will change for but what we have to realize is a guy will change because she inspires him to be a better person, not because she has changed him. You can't change a person, only influence their lives.
So with this in mind I have realized that I go for all these jerks because the chase is fun. The guy that won't give any girl the time of day is the one you want to want you so you can teach him a lesson. The only problem is no matter how hard you try you cannot be a different person. As much as I can be this tough confident serial dater, I am still a nuturing, sweet mama bear. All you honestly have to do is stay true to yourself and if they don't like it then you know you didn't waste your time!
You see I have been is amazing that in only a few short days someone has come out of nowhere to alter my path. Who is this mystery man you ask? Well I guess you will have to just stay tuned to find out...