Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Single Train

So the hot guy fantasy ended up being just that, a fantasy.  For some reason because he looked like a Disney prince and seemed agreeable to try new things, I made Tarzan out to be Prince William (minus the balding).  Trust me when I say Tarzan I am referring to a caveman because this sexy man grunts.  I am not kidding!  Every time we would make out, he would back away, stare at me and then grunt with a deep, short sound of approval.  If that weren’t enough to make me want to leave the jungle, he would walk ahead of me constantly, pet my leg as if it were a dog when he was stressed and kiss me like I was a fish he needed to resuscitate.  Once again I made a big mistake.  The same mistake that every girl make whether they want to believe it or not.  What happens when we are so uncomfortable being alone in a world that seems virtually paired off, that we jump at the chance to have a companion? 

Well the answer is simple; we find the horse drawn carriage with the crash test dummy inside.  If not being alone is our main motivation for finding a partner, then we better prepare for a long, lonely journey ahead.  They say that love always happens when you least expect it.  So ladies stop not expecting it!  By saying you are not going to expect it and you are going to focus on you, you are just giving yourself permission to subconsciously expect something.  With that being said, here is the love in my tough love rant.  Don’t focus on yourself but a new project that makes you happy.  This way you are tricking your brain into thinking you are just creating a new past time when in reality you are finding yourself. 

With the end of summer approaching and relationship season beginning, be proud to be on the single train.  After all, you could reach an amazing destination when you least expect it.

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