When I started this journey of serial dating, my main objective was to get over my ex...but as the first month of the path has flown by, I realize that I understand him now more then ever. The reason we didn't work out was not because he was an ass or I was too clingy but merely we were too much alike. When I met Jason I had just gotten out of a long strenuous relationship and attached onto Jason becasue I felt safe and comfortable. Staying in my comfort zone made me settle and accept things the way they were. When we met we were both going through a change and the process of self-discovery that comes with it. That internal look into the depths of who we are led to long drawn out heartbreak and individual triumphs but still nothing in the cards that read we should be together.
I can honestly say for the first time in a long time that I am truly happy. I no longer need to have male attention around me 24/7 but find it nice to have company from time to time....which for me is once a week...I am still a dating machine after all. I have learned to take each date and each experience for what it is and not try to force it to be something else. Yes I have had some amazing dates and some not so great ones, but at the end of a day each date, each guy has helped me reassue myself that I am a strong person who doesn't need to force herself on anyone. And so with one month down and who knows how many to go, I want to say just one thing, thank you.
Thank you to all of you who read my blog and tell me it makes you smile, thank you to all the guys who have taught me so much about life, thank you to those of you who have stuck by my side through all the hard times and most of all thank you to Jason...you are the reason I started this blog and the reason I have finally settled into the person I am today.
As for what is to come for a single woman on the prowl...well there is a lot more living to do and a lot more stories to tell. Stay tuned because the best is yet to come!!
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