"Let me tell you something, Toula. The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants."
This is the most valuable advice I have heard, and it was in a movie about a Greek wedding. Dating is a tricky board game filled with twists and turns but in the end you will always get to your destination...or you lose and just play again. So for this post let's say girls are the shinny car and men are the big boot in Monopoly. The boot stares at the car every day...he wants to touch her...drive her...have her. The shinny car looks amazing from afar. Finally the boot saves up enough change to take the car out for a spin. He walks up to the car and is in complete awe until he realizes she has a dent. Nothing big but it is in the front so people might notice. Then she revs up her engine to purr like catwoman and he has to get and try her out. Everyday after that he tests her out and finds one more thing that he likes until he eventually buys the car...game over!!!! What does this have to do with dating you ask? Well the key is to not reveal too much of yourself right up front. If a guys asks “how are you?” in attempts to chat, don't start going on about your stressful day...if you had a rough day merely say "a little stressful, but that just means I need even more to meet someone to take the edge off." This gives him an automatic in to want to save his pennies to buy your car.
Now I hate stereotypes as much as the next person, but the bottom line is that men are the hunters and unless they have a bit of a chase to wear them down a little bit, they won't care enough to really try. Here is where turning the head comes in. You are a strong, independent, sophisticated, smart and sexy female. You know what you want before a guy can get up the courage to ask for your number...so help him figure it out one digit at a time. You can slowly progress the relationship along but make him think he is pursuing you. For example if you want to see him but not seem like you are asking him out, hint there is a new restaurant he would like or a new movie he would love to see. It puts the idea in his head and now he needs a date. Mission Accomplished!!
Lastly, just remember that most men are terrified of commitment. This means if you start talking about the future too soon, he will run for the hills. You need to make sure he is falling a little faster than you are. This way when he finally says he wants you to be exclusive, you know he means it rather than giving into pressure.
Ladies, don't settle for anyone but Mr. Right! Live your life, have fun, go out with the girls and when the right guy comes along make him fight for you! Until then being a serial dater is not a bad alternative. Hey at least you can find out what you don't want ;)
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